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sensation of hair cleaning (shampooing) in space

sensation of hair cleaning (shampooing) in space, Space
ZOOMoooZOOM - Astronauts National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) shows the unique, different, and fun to live in Space. this time the astronauts Kren Nyberg, mechanical engineers Expedition 36 to the International Space Station, shows how to wash in the Space.
Nyberg showed that the different conditions in space, humans also need to adapt to the way wash. however, he also pointed out that there are many different ways to wash. the tool and the material is still the same, ie, water, shampoo, combs, and towels.
water used is certainly not originated from the bathtub or shower, but the water in the form of a bag. for clumps begin shampooing, Nybreg clot issue of water from the bag and rub rub his head.

astronot Kren Nyberg
    In the photos, there is no foam looks like shampooing earth. incredibly, the water evaporates it is further processed into drinking water. "Our air conditioning system will correct it and recommend water and water treatment systems we will turn it into drinking water." he said.

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